3.5.1. Low-voltage (LV) differential-mode filter subsystem

This subsystem represents a differential mode filter connected to:

  • the macrocell(s) from one side,

  • low voltage DC bus (DC-DC converter case) on the other side.

The purpose of this filter is to absorb the high-frequency voltage harmonics created by the macrocell(s). DC/DC: operating point consideration

In the case of the non-isolated DC-DC converter, if the ratio \({U_{LV}}/{U_{HV}}\) is multiple of \({1}/\left({n_{cell(par)} \cdot n_{cell(fc)}}\right)\) interleaving produces a constant DC voltage. However, any disturbance will cause voltage harmonics that need to be filtered. To take into account this specific behaviour, the ratio is shifted to \(\dfrac{U_{LV}}{U_{HV}} - \dfrac{\Delta t}{T_{sw}}\) where \(\Delta t\) is the simulation time step and \(T_{sw}\) is the switching period.

Figure below shows the current ripple through the inductor depending on the voltage ratio \({U_{LV}}/{U_{HV}}\) and the small disturbance of the ratio which is considered to design the filter.
